Friday, September 21, 2007

My Quiz

I am going to have a quiz. This quiz is just for fun. There is only one rule 1. You can be funny serious or what ever you want.

1. What's your name?

2. What's your favorite animal?

3. What's your favorite color?

4. Do you have any siblings?

5. Do you have any pets?

6. Do you prefer animated or real life movies?

7. What is your favorite subject in school?

8. What is your favorite food?

9. Do you like old TV shows?

10. Which do you prefer Schlitterbahn or Sea World?

11. What is your favorite candy?

12. Do you prefer Six flags or Disney World?

13. Are you allergic to cats or dogs?

14. Do you prefer french toast or pancakes?

15. Do you like reading?

Well the is my quiz hope it was fun.

Here's a pic.

I don't know why I wanted to put a pic. on here I just did!

Sunday, August 5, 2007


I don't know what to talk about so I will just show you some horse pictures.


Seabiscuit was a great race horse as you probably know. ( I'm not going to go into detail).

Secretariat Secretariat was the last one to win the triple crown, we are still waiting for the next triple crown winner.

Barrel racing

Barrel racing is a Rodeo event. You have to ride your horse around three barrels in about 18 sec.

Sunday, July 8, 2007

My First Post

Hi I'm Alicia I want to tell you about my vacation to Hawaii. First of all it about a 8 hour flight to Hawaii. We landed in Maui then flew to Moloka'i. The place that we stayed at was right underneath were we stayed the last time we went to Hawaii. After going horseback riding and playing on beaches and seeing a movie we flew to Lana'i. At Lana'i we went to alot of beaches. We met a person who talked to us about how he became a Christan we went to his church. After staying in Lana'i five days we took a ferry to Maui. Brian, Lydia, and Jonny stayed in Maui one night and then left. I stayed in Maui about a week. I went snorkeling and saw a turtle and some neat fish. We did some other neat things like seeing the Moon, Jupiter, Saturn, and Venus.It was alot of fun there. Bye.